Membership Requirement
For a student to participate in KMEA honor groups the sponsoring teacher must be an active member of the Kansas Music Educators Association.

Treble Honor Choir


Bethany Main

Important Dates
Aug. 27 - Business Meeting @ Gardner-Edgerton HS
Oct. 16 - Nomination Deadline - $15 participation fee per selected student
Dec. 7 - Clinic & Concert @ Shawnee Mission Northwest HS

Festival Schedule
7:30 AM - Registration
8:00 - Rehearsals begin
11:15 - Concert

Who May Participate?
  • Students with unchanged voices in grades 4, 5, & 6
  • Each school may nominate 8 students.
  • They must be divided equally between Part I and Part II.
    • If you bring 4 students, 2 should be singing Part I and 2 should be singing Part II
    • If you submit an odd number of students, please divide them as equally as possible.
  • Students should match pitch and represent your best singers
  • They should be able to manage their behavior for the duration of an intense rehearsal/performance.
Nomination & Payment
  • Nomination Deadline is Oct. 16, 2024
  • Nominations must be entered online in the KMEA Members site.
  • Participation Fee is $15.00 per student and must be paid in full. Checks and money orders are accepted, but NO PURCHASE ORDERS.
  • Nomination is a 2-step process. Please be sure to do both parts, to ensure your students will be able to participate.
    • First, submit your student nomination info online
    • Second, mail your fees and a print-out of your generated invoice to the ECKMEA Executive Director (address on invoice)

Performance Repertoire
Becoming You, Bethany Main (2 Part)
Banaha, Cristi Cary Miller (3 Part Treble - Canon)
Shine on Me, Rollo Dilworth (2 Part)
Be the Light, Franklin Willis (3 Part Treble - it is VERY simple 3 part, almost partner song like)
Below is a timeline of teacher events to help those of you who may have never done this and hopefully answer some of your questions:

Teacher's Job Prior to the registration deadline:
  • Select students
  • Divide your student equally between Part I and Part II. Teachers need to determine at least 2 students for the 3rd part in advance.
  • Nominate Students online
  • Send a check including $15.00 per student to the ECKMEA Executive Director.
Teacher's Job between registration and the festival:
  • Order a copy of each song for yourself and each student attending.
  • Copied/Xeroxed music is prohibited by copyright law. Therefore, any student who attends a ECKMEA event with photocopied music will not be permitted to participate.
  • You must purchase 1 copy of each song for each student you register.
  • Hold rehearsals with your students to teach them the music and insure accurate understanding of each piece
  • Music is to be memorized prior to the festival
  • Arrange transportation to and from event for students
  • Arrange to have at least 1 supervisor in addition to yourself in the rehearsal room at all times with your students. This will allow you to attend meetings and break-out-session.
Student duties Day of:
  • Bring your music and a pencil
  • Bring a disposable water bottle
  • Check in and get your name tag from your teacher
  • Come ready to learn and work hard with a Positive and Willing Attitude
  • Use the restroom prior to the start of rehearsal
There is nowhere to store personal belonging of the students—coats, purses and etc. They need to be left with parents at drop-off or on the bus. If this is not possible, it will be the responsibility of your parent supervisor and yourself to corral, store and keep these items secure.

Festival Day Attire
Students are to wear black on bottom and white, gray, or black on top. Dresses are fine for ladies, and suits/tuxes/vests are fine for the guys (ties are optional).

Teacher duties Day of:
  • Arrive at 7:30 to check-in your students and find rehearsal/concert rooms
  • Greet your students and help them find where they should sit (shorter students in front and taller towards the back)
  • Please encourage them to sit by someone they may not know
  • Supervise your students during rehearsal
  • Help with snack/restroom break
  • Attend and Participate in Elementary Break-out Session for teachers.
  • Help with line-up and placement on risers (they will leave all music with you at this time)
  • Double check the rehearsal room for your student belongings

KMEA Membership Requirement

The ECKMEA board voted to require membership in NAfME-KMEA in order to register students for ECKMEA honor groups. This is in line with the KMEA policy requiring membership in order to register students for KMEA All-State ensembles.

  1. Join NAfME. Indicate Kansas in your membership profile.
  2. Set up an account in the KMEA Members website. This creates a connection between your NAfME profile and KMEA's registration systems.
  3. After creating an account in the KMEA Members site, select your district affiliation so you may participate in elections.
  4. When registering students for EC district or All-State ensembles, your NAfME ID will be part of the registration.
  5. Do not wait until the deadline day to start this process!
Hannah Young
Ottawa-Garfield Elem.
1213 College
Ottawa, KS 66067
w: 785-229-8060
Important Dates - Elem. Choir
Aug. 26, 2025 - Tue
ECKMEA Business Meeting
Location TBA
5:30 - Mentoring meet & greet
6:00 - Dinner
6:30 - General business
7:00 - Break-out meetings
Oct. 22, 2025 - Wed
Nomination Deadline — ML Choir, Treble Honor Choir
$15 participation fee per selected student
Dec. 6, 2025 - Sat
Choir: Shawnee Mission NWHS
Orchestra: Olathe West HS
Band: Blue Valley HS

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